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Overview of CRM activities

Menu path

CRM ➔ Entries ➔ Activities


In Exact Globe Next, communications with business contacts can be entered in the form of activities. From the overview, you can also:

  • view the details of the customer
  • view the details of the customer’s contact person
  • edit the details of the activity
  • delete the activity, or
  • create an activity.

What version are you using?

The information in this document is applicable to product update 421 and higher. If you have versions lower than this, certain features explained here will not be applicable.

How do I create an activity?

  1. In the CRM > Entries > Activities screen, click New.
  2. Select an activity type.
  3. Click Select. For more information, see Creating and maintaining CRM activities.

How do I view the account of the selected activity?

  1. In the CRM > Entries > Activities screen, define the search criteria.
  2. Click Search.
  3. Select an activity in the overview.
  4. Click Account. For more information, see Creating and maintaining accounts receivable.

Keep in mind: The Account button is enabled only if an activity is selected in the overview.

How do I view the contact of the selected activity?

  1. In the CRM > Entries > Activities screen, define the search criteria.
  2. Click Search.
  3. Select an activity in the overview.
  4. Click Contact. For more information, see Creating and maintaining contact persons.

Keep in mind: The Contact button is enabled only if an activity is selected in the overview.

How do I edit the activity?

  1. In the CRM > Entries > Activities screen, define the search criteria.
  2. Click Search.
  3. Select an activity in the overview.
  4. Click Edit. For more information, see Creating and maintaining CRM activities.

Keep in mind: The Edit button is enabled only if an activity is selected in the overview.

How do I delete the activity?

  1. In the CRM > Entries > Activities screen, define the search criteria.
  2. Click Search.
  3. Select an activity in the overview.
  4. Click Delete. The message “Delete” will be displayed.
  5. Click Yes.

Keep in mind: The Delete button is enabled only if an activity is selected in the overview.



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